“The rule of law must take precedence”, says Véran about the father who beat up his daughter’s attacker

“The rule of law must take precedence,” said government spokesman Olivier Véran on Wednesday, when asked about a father who beat up a teenager in Roanne (Loire) whom he accused of sexually assaulting her six-year-old daughter.

“Obviously, we understand the emotion of this father: how would we act in place of this person, it is difficult to say,” replied Olivier Véran during a report from the Council of Ministers.

“What I can tell you as government spokesperson is my deep conviction that the rule of law must take precedence and that we do not want to enter this model of society where people would take the law into their own hands” , he immediately nuanced.

The father of the family does not “regret in anything”

The father of the family says “no regrets” what he did, assuming “the risk of taking 30 years”, while the Roanne prosecutor indicated that he would be summoned in the coming days to the police station for “violence aggravated”.

Helped by three neighbors, the man arrested the suspect himself, on the night of Saturday to Sunday, after falling “face to face” with him. The day before, his wife had caught the boy in their daughter’s bedroom while he was sexually touching the child.

Convinced of having recognized the teenager, the father of the family threw himself on him to “beat him”. “He was unleashed on him, in extremely serious, intolerable proportions”, denounces Abdelkrim Grini, the public prosecutor on BFM, stating that the miner had been “whipped with electric cables”. Serious injuries that were worth the equivalent of 10 days of ITT.

Hosted in a home located near the residence, the teenager fiercely denied the facts. He was indicted for sexual assault on minors and then imprisoned on Sunday, upon leaving hospital. He faces ten years in prison.

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