The route of the procession in Paris

For this event, which they hope will be massive, the organizers have opted for a simple, basic route. Indeed the procession against the pension reform carried by the Borne government, will leave the Place de la République from 1 p.m. (and not 2 p.m. as on previous occasions) to reach the Place de la Nation around 7 p.m.

At République, the demonstrators will head south-east via Boulevard Beaumarchais to reach the Bastille. Then they will take rue de Lyon and avenue Daumesnil before going up avenue Diderot to reach place de la Nation.

As for the previous days of mobilization, a “traffic device will be put in place around the demonstration”, specifies the Paris police headquarters in a press release.

Motorists, avoid the area!

The latter adds, moreover, that “road traffic is likely to be seriously disrupted in the center and east of Paris” and that it is therefore “strongly recommended that motorists avoid the area very largely throughout the duration of the event”. Nevertheless, people who have to go to the Quinze-Vingts ophthalmology hospital center “will have the possibility of using protected corridors, accessible via rue du Chemin Vert/boulevard Beaumarchais, avenue Ledru-Rollin/avenue Daumesnil, rue Chaligny/ Boulevard Diderot”.

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