The Rolling Stones: Band announces new album – in local newspaper

The Rolling Stones
Band announces new album – in local paper

Mick Jagger on stage.

© Ben Houdijk/Shutterstock

The Rolling Stones have hidden as a glass repair company in a local newspaper announcing a new album for September.

The Rolling Stones have – most likely – announced the first album after the death of their drummer Charlie Watts (1941-2021). But they were not satisfied with a press release. Instead, the cult rockers placed an ad in the local newspaper “Hackney Gazette” under a false name.

The bright red advertisement for the fictitious company “Hackney Diamonds”, which describes itself as “specialists in glass repairs”, fills a whole page. The album title might already have been revealed.

Allusions upon allusions

If you read the not so elegantly written advertising text of the old-fashioned advertisement, you will quickly guess who is behind the glass specialists. Referring to three world-renowned Stones songs, it reads: “Our friendly team promises you Satisfaction. If you say ‘Gimme Shelter’, we’ll repair your broken ones : “Shattered”) Repair window.”

Additional information on the advert includes “opening” in September 2023, which may indicate the near release date, and reference to “the company” being formed in 1962, the same year the Stones formed. Another clear reference is emblazoned very small at the top: the band’s iconic tongue logo.

In addition, the “glass specialists” with a drawing of a telephone with a dial indicate that if you are interested, you can register. Now go up Hackney Diamonds websitea form pops up when registering, which refers to Universal Music.


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