The return of maths in the common core is recorded, according to the teachers’ unions

The new Minister of Education Pap Ndiaye promised on Tuesday to be “in consultation” and assured that the return of mathematics to the common core was “acted”, without specifying a timetable, unions told AFP. teachers received rue de Grenelle.

Pap Ndiaye receives Tuesday and Wednesday all the representatives of the National Education staff. “He wants to imprint his style, to be in consultation, to exchange, to give pledges on the method”, declared to AFP Sophie Vénétitay, general secretary of Snes-FSU, the first secondary union, at the end of the meet. “The minister seems to be listening and wanting to give himself all the means to form his own opinion on the state of our education system”, also indicated Stéphane Crochet, secretary general of SE-Unsa. “His first words on his positioning are that he feels above all a teacher and wishes to express his consideration for our professions”.

Blanquer had promised that it would be for the start of the 2022 school year

“We rolled out the various urgent subjects such as salaries, the start of the school year, the state of mind of anger and fatigue of colleagues and also the place of mathematics in the common core”, developed Sophie Vénétitay, from Snes. On this point, the Minister of Education said that this return of mathematics in the common core in Première was “acted”, she assured. “However, we must discuss the modalities, the programs, the coefficients,” added the new minister, according to the comments reported by the trade unionist.

Pap Ndiaye’s predecessor, Jean-Michel Blanquer, had promised a return to maths in the common core in high school from the start of the next school year, a deadline that is difficult to sustain according to the heads of establishment. The minister “told us that the reintroduction of mathematics in the common core was recorded, that he listened to all the actors but that the methods remained under study”, detailed Stéphane Crochet, of SE-Unsa.

“His roadmap is under construction”

Pap Ndiaye “affirmed his conviction that we must vigorously tackle the attractiveness of our professions, including and perhaps above all on issues of remuneration”, added Stéphane Crochet. “His roadmap is under construction,” said the trade unionist, echoing the minister’s remarks.

The minister “did not give a timetable” for the upgrading of teachers, but recalled that “it is a commitment by Emmanuel Macron”, said Sophie Vénétitay. “It was a traditional first meeting but the context is not: we will have to quickly go beyond the stage of good intentions and take action”, she concluded, regretting that the minister “remained extremely vague, without committing”.

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