The return of containment and curfew announced in TousAntiCovid? False alert!

“New containment in sight! The travel certificate is making a comeback on tousanticovid while contamination is increasing, ”exclaim many Internet users on social networks. Even after the announcement of new health measures at the start of the week – including the closure of nightclubs for a month – fears of the end of the year holidays marked by restrictions are not diminishing.

Faced with the increase in contamination, some are already seeing the next speech coming announcing a curfew or even confinement. The alleged return of attestations on the TousAntiCovid application gives them food for thought.

Several Internet users fear a new confinement. – Screenshot

What is it really ? 20 minutes unraveled the true from the false.


The question is legitimate for metropolitan residents: why would we need certificates since the last curfew was lifted more than five months ago? On the Matignon side, we say to 20 minutes that there was no change in the TousAntiCovid application. “The” certificate “functionality has always been maintained, in particular for overseas territories. “

Indeed, after the uprising of a minority of the population in Guadeloupe, a curfew is still applied. It has just been extended until Friday, between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. in twelve municipalities, and from 10 p.m. in two others. Previously, 21 municipalities (out of 32) were affected by a curfew that began at 6 p.m.

To deal with the fifth wave, the prefect of Martinique has also reinstated the curfew at 8 p.m. from Wednesday, December 8, 2021, for two weeks with a review clause.

In addition, during his speech on Monday, December 6, Jean Castex specified that “the time is not for curfew or confinement measures”.

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