The results of the survey found!! GameFi investors prioritize fun over income.

GameFi, a combination of gaming and decentralized finance (DeFi), has attracted a large pool of investors to join. But about 89% of investors will have to succumb to the crypto bear market in 2022.

The GameFi ecosystem has attracted many GenZ investors and gaming enthusiasts. As a result, it’s a starting point for many first-time investors. The ChainPlay survey of people whoparticipate 1885 GameFi investors revealed that 75% of the respondents Join the crypto space just because of GameFi.

While about half of investors initially joined the GameFi space for profit, 89% of GameFi investors succumbed to the 2022 crypto bear market, with 62% of them losing more than 50 in profits. %

However, investors believe that Poor in-game economic design is a major cause of losses. The survey revealed that in 2022, global investors spend an average of 2.5 hours a day participating in GameFi, a 43 percent drop from 4.4 hours a year ago.

Fear of rug pull and Ponzi coupled with substandard graphics As a result, 44% of investors believe that participation by traditional game companies can be a key to GameFi’s growth.

In addition, when it comes to future GameFi projects, 81% of GameFi investors are shifting the traditional mindset and prioritizing the fun factor over profitability. Because they seek a positive in-game experience.

Blockchain games and Metaverse are the ecosystems least affected by the collapse of Terra ( LUNA ) confirmed as reported by DappRadar.

There is also sustainable institutional investment in both the gaming blockchain and Metaverse, highlighting how many leading companies see the potential for strong economic growth in both sectors.

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