The reopening of the file brought “no new elements”

A return to “normal” in the course of the Delphine Jubillar affair. According to information from BFM TV, the additional information requested by the Toulouse general prosecutor’s office in the case of the disappearance of this mother, on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020 in Cagnac-les-Mines, is closed. And above all, it is not conclusive.

New intriguing elements had indeed led to the reopening of the investigation. Among them, a recorded telephone exchange between an inmate, incarcerated for a time in the same prison as Cédric Jubillar, and his mother. But the latter ultimately had nothing to declare to the gendarmes according to our colleagues.

Same thing for the 61-year-old medium who claimed to have had visions of Delphine. She was unable to provide anything conclusive to investigators.

“No new elements”

In the summary report of the additional information that BFMTV was able to consult, the gendarmes of the Toulouse research section summarize things as follows: “From these different testimonies, it turns out that no new element is bring “.

All parties have a meeting with the courts on June 20 before the investigating chamber of the Toulouse Court of Appeal for a new hearing, devoted in particular to the appeal of the indictment order of Cedric Jubillar , formulated by his lawyers.

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