The relationship between Catwoman and the superhero at the heart of a new trailer

“The Bat and the Cat”. As this new trailer reveals, the relationship between the superhero and Catwoman should have a special place in the new Batman. The first images thus reveal ambiguous scenes, between love and hate, around these two characters embodied by Robert Patinson and Zoë Kravitz.

Directed by Matt Reeves (Cloverfield), this new film, which will be released on March 2, will take place at the very beginning of Batman’s career, two after his arrival in Gotham City. The theme of corruption should always have a nice place at the heart of the plot, as well as a mysterious secret surrounding Bruce Wayne’s family.

After Tim Burton, Christopher Nolan or Zack Snyder, the director in turn tackles the saga Batman. If the plot remains secret, fans will however find emblematic characters such as the Sphinx (Paul Dano), The Penguin (Colin Farrel) or the faithful butler Alfred (Andy Serkis). And one thing is for sure, if the film is like this trailer, it should immerse us in an ever darker universe of Gotham.

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