The region is experimenting with the almost free driver’s license for young people

Tuesday was the real first plenary meeting of the Hauts-de-France regional council after the re-election of Xavier Bertrand. On the menu, the latter intended to vote for a deliberation for the establishment of a driver’s license aid for young people aged 18 to 30 under certain conditions. New arrival in the hemicycle, the opposition made up of the left and environmentalists did not fail to table many amendments to this deliberation with a logic that may escape ordinary people.

Without suspense, thanks to his majority, Xavier Bertrand had no difficulty in passing his deliberation establishing the assumption of a large part of the costs related to the passage of the driving license for young people from 18 to 30 years old. It is, for the region, to finance up to 90% of the cost of the permit within the limit of an “average price observed around 1,500 euros”, assures the president of Hauts-de-France. Or 1,340 euros.

A thousand beneficiaries, to start

Do not rush right away to benefit from it, there are conditions to be met. In addition to the age criterion, this assistance is reserved for job seekers, young people in vocational training, apprenticeship or in a Pacea type course. You must also reside in the region and not exceed a tax income of 28,200 euros (single person) or 44,250 euros (married, civil partnership or living with their parents). And if you tick all the boxes, you will have to be quick, the experimental device being reserved, initially, only for the first 1,000 registered.

Several interventions by environmentalists before the vote asked for the device to be extended to other means of mobility rather than limiting it “to the most emissive means of transport”, noted Alexandre Ouizille. Karima Delli, Xavier Bertrand’s former opponent to the regional, rather wants a “mobility pass” including free trains for all young people. And, in the process, the same opposition group demanded the extension of this assistance to driving licenses to all young people in the region.

“This proposal, you shot it during the campaign and now, you say that we do not do enough”, surprised Xavier Bertrand. According to him, the limit of 1,000 beneficiaries would just allow us to see if the target is reached by October-November. “But it’s not 1,000 that I intend to pay. There are at least 10,000, 20,000, ”said the president of the region.

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