The reduction of the health protocol at school expected in the coming days

The end of the tunnel seems near for teachers and students. The health protocol in schools against which national education staff demonstrated for several days must be lightened very soon. “We were told that an opinion from the High Council for Public Health would be issued at the end of the week” and “that the decisions would then come fairly quickly”, indicated Sophie Vénétitay, secretary general of Snes-FSU, the first secondary union. .

Announcements are “planned for the weekend or the beginning of next week”, she said after a meeting between the trade unions, the ministries of Education and Health and the High Council of Public Health. “It should be either Friday or early next week,” added Guislaine David, general secretary of SNUipp-FSU, the first primary union.

“We still have a little work to do by the end of the week to be able to announce all this,” said Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer, traveling to Hauts-de-Seine. The measures that would be decided could be applied “either when each zone returns from vacation, or while waiting for the return of zone C”, the last on leave until March 7, she continued. “It’s not settled.”

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