“The real reason for this tragedy is the context in which it takes place,” analyzes a Middle East specialist



Video length: 7 min

Gazans killed during food distribution: “The real reason for this tragedy is the context in which it takes place”, analyzes a Middle East specialist

Testimonies collected by Agence France Presse claim that Israeli soldiers fired into a crowd in Gaza during a food distribution on Thursday February 29. Analysis on the 19/20 info set by Béligh Nabli, university professor of public law and specialist in the Middle East.


Testimonies collected by Agence France Presse claim that Israeli soldiers fired into a crowd in Gaza during a food distribution on Thursday February 29. Analysis on the 19/20 info set by Béligh Nabli, university professor of public law and specialist in the Middle East.

Béligh Nabli, university professor of public law and specialist in the Middle East, recalls that there are “precedents”Or “the Israeli army’s versions of this type of situation have been contradicted by independent investigations”. He cites in particular the Al-Chifa hospital, presented by the Israeli army as the “Hamas headquarters And “which turned out to be a hospital with civilians inside.”. According to the specialist, IDF “does not escape the law of war”. “When we communicate and we are a state at war, our communication is in reality propaganda”he explains.

Famine in Gaza ’caused by blockade contrary to international law’

“Finally, the real reason for this tragedy is the context in which it takes place, namely that the Gazans are suffering from a situation of famine, and that this famine is not a natural phenomenon, it is not is not caused by a natural disaster. It is caused by a blockade contrary to international law, constituting a war crime, an assured blockade, imposed by the Israeli army.”continues Béligh Nabli, who believes “that in this, his responsibility is primary in relation to the tragedy, even beyond the factual version.”

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