The rapper summoned in November by the Albi prosecutor for a video against Tarn elected officials

In addition to facing a political controversy, Medina will also have to explain itself to justice in another case. The rapper is summoned before the prosecutor of Albi in November, after having broadcast a video in April where he threw darts at photos of two elected officials from Tarn, we learned on Wednesday from the prosecution.

“He is summoned on November 6 to appear on prior admission of guilt on the count of provocation to the commission of a crime or misdemeanor,” said prosecutor Stéphanie Bazart. This summons comes after “the broadcast of a video on April 1 in which he threw darts at photographs” of the mayor LR of Lavaur (Tarn) Bernard Carayon and the deputy RN Frédéric Cabrolier, she said.

Controversy after a tweet against Rachel Khan

“I expect an exemplary condemnation for this rapper, invited by the ecologists of EELV, then by France Insoumise (…) despite his recent anti-Semitic remarks”, reacted Bernard Carayon who, like Frédéric Cabrolier, had opposed coming from Medina for a concert in Albi on April 1st.

Controversial rapper, Médine has been accused in the past of “homophobic” positions or accused of “Islamist”. In a message two weeks ago on the social network X, he called the essayist Rachel Khan, Jewish and granddaughter of deportees, “resKHANpée”.

An expression that he later regretted, denying himself of being anti-Semitic. He renewed his apologies in two interviews with the Parisian and to Paris-Normandy, Wednesday, on the eve of his participation in a political debate at the EELV summer days in his hometown of Le Havre. He assures that he “didn’t have his family’s history in mind” when he published this “awkward tweet”, in response to a message from Rachel Khan calling it “garbage”.

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