The rail pass at 49 euros per month for young people available from Wednesday

It was a promise from the government. This Wednesday, it is about to be held. Just a few days before the European elections (pure coincidence, we suspect), the promise of a rail pass at 49 euros per month should delight many young people wishing to travel by train. Offered to young people aged 16 to 27, this subscription allows unlimited travel on the TER network, night trains and Intercity trains. Expectedly, the famous rail pass will be offered this Wednesday, announced the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron.

The system covers all French regions, with the exception of Ile-de-France, and will be available for the months of July and August. A good way to travel carbon-free all summer long. “You will therefore be able to travel around France and it is good for the ecology, it is good for the economy,” said the President of the Republic.

Holders of the future rail pass will be able to reserve zero euro seats on any ticket sales platform to travel by TER, Intercité or night train, except for international connections. In total, 700,000 young people are eligible for this new offer and the government is counting on the sale of around 60,000 passes.

A little less than 15 million

The cost of the measure is estimated at just under 15 million euros, 80% of which will be covered by the State and 20% by the regions, the usual organizing authorities for regional trains.

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