The Raid intervenes to prevent a thirty-something from committing suicide

This Thursday around 10 p.m., the Raid took place on rue des Vignes, in the heart of Bordeaux. The person that the national police intervention unit was trying to apprehend only posed a danger to himself. It is a 31-year-old man who justified the movement of the police forces. Diagnosed with autistic asperger and schizophrenic, the individual threatened to end his life with the help of knives.

At first, it was the Samu who was called for help by the entourage of the 30-year-old, believing that his condition was no longer compatible with a civilian life in autonomy, reports our colleagues from South West.

A calm and non-violent intervention

Refusing to leave his apartment and the transfer by ambulance, the man threatened to commit suicide and forced the doctors and the family to call the police.

Since the individual’s home has many nooks and crannies and given his psychological state, it was deemed preferable to call in a specialized intervention unit. For nearly an hour and a half, the men of the Raid negotiated with the 30-something until he finally agreed to follow the police. The intervention was done calmly and without violence, the man was handed over to the medical authorities.

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