The punctuality of seven metro lines is problematic

The hassle in the Paris metros is not just a feeling. This is confirmed by the November figures for the punctuality of the Ile-de-France transport networks published by Ile-de-France Mobilités (IDFM), the organizing authority. And at peak times, it’s not very good on several metro lines. Seven of them are problematic: 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12 and 13. For each of these lines, we are below 90% punctuality when the 2021-2024 contract provides for between 96.5% and 98%, with lows of 80.7% for 12 and 82.6% for 13. For IDFM, “these lines must be treated urgently”.

For 4 other lines (the 2, 9, 10 and 11), it’s average. We are above 90% punctuality but below the objectives of the contract. “The offer is unsatisfactory and these lines still need to be improved”, indicates IDFM. Finally, three lines are green with punctualities greater than 100%, 1, 5 and 14. For 1 and 14, we are even at 101.6% and 101.7% respectively, which is explained by the fact that they are fully automated, which in particular makes it possible to reduce the safety intervals between two trains. And we exceed 100% because the RATP injects additional trains during peak hours, which increases punctuality.

Degradation of service since July

It should be noted that the situation in the Paris metros deteriorated in the summer. At the beginning of the year, the punctuality rates achieved were rather in line with the objectives, but since July, there have often been several lines below 90% or even below 80%, such as the 11th in July (74.2 %) or the 6th in October (77.2%).

“We have been encountering difficulties on the network since September, admits the RATP. The end of the year was particularly difficult for our travellers. “But the management ensures that since the beginning of the year, the situation has improved even if the return to normal will be gradual and is scheduled for the end of the first quarter of 2023. Several factors contribute to this development: “New drivers trained are now on the lines, drivers from line 4, being automated, drive on other lines and absenteeism is decreasing”.

Finally, the RATP claims to continue to “recruit and train new metro drivers, with a strong acceleration of its recruitment and training plans”. Thus in 2023, 400 metro drivers will be recruited, compared to 180 last year.

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