The PSG player calls for respect for her privacy

Kheira Hamraoui calls for calm and respect for her private life, while the events linked to her attack on November 4 have been causing a stir for ten days. La Parisienne also expressed the wish that the investigation, entrusted on Monday to an examining magistrate at Versailles, be conducted in a “serene” manner.

The player “urges that her privacy be respected, as well as her choice to remain silent in this difficult ordeal,” she said Tuesday in a statement released by her lawyer, Me Said Harir.

Eric Abidal could be heard

The Versailles prosecutor’s office confirmed on Monday that the former French international Eric Abidal, whose name appears on a chip on the victim’s phone, could soon be heard.

According to a source familiar with the matter, Kheira Hamraoui told investigators that her cell phone chip was “in the name of her ex”. The player played for FC Barcelona at a time when Eric Abidal was sporting director of the Catalan club. The lawyer for the former defender of the Blues disputed Monday any involvement of the player in the assault.

Physical and psychological harm

In his press release, the lawyer for the PSG player recalls her “violent assault” which occurred on the night of November 4 to 5 while she was with her teammate Aminata Diallo, who herself spent 36 hours in custody at seen last week without any charges being finally brought against her.

That evening, “the attackers attacked Madame Hamraoui by surprise, striking her with a rare violence, mainly on the lower limbs, suggesting an undisguised desire to harm her professional career. The player has “suffered significant physical and psychological damage,” adds his advice.

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