The prize list shaken up by artificial intelligence

Imagine a 2’20 film, a format imposed for thirteen years by the Nikon Film Festival, with characters, but without actors, with a director in charge and an artificial intelligence to carry out the orders. Anna Apter probably signed the most mysterious, intriguing and daring film of the selection. His title : /Conceived, like “imagine, what is it like to be 13 today, in the age of virtual worlds and social networks? »

The film of a very gifted young visual artist

A film that is both stunning and clever, the mise en abyme of which is all the more formidable as it was entirely designed with the help of artificial intelligence. Very gifted actress, visual artist and scriptwriter, accustomed to putting herself on stage herself with her dogthe young woman thus explains her approach on his Instagram account : “I wrote a text then I asked an AI to generate precise images that I had in mind and which I animated. No child worked overtime for the purposes of this video because they don’t exist. “His rewards, they do exist: prize for directing and the prize for criticism.

On the theme imposed this year, 13, the jury chaired by Alexandre Astier did not dare to give him his grand prize, which ultimately goes to the most consensual Tears come from above by Manon Stutz and Margaux Fazio on an old homosexual who remembers his deportation and how he was miraculously saved by a succession of numbers 13 tattooed on his arm. This film in German also won the International Prize.

Nine other award-winning films

After several months of competition, deliberations and the awards ceremony which ended this Friday evening at the Grand Rex on April 21, the other winners of the 13th edition of the Nikon Film Festival have also been revealed:

Best Actress Award: Shirine Boutella for Maintenance

Best Actor Award: Bertrand Goncalves for 13 euros

Script price: The grinta

Photography prize: Reincarnated

Assembly price: Damage

Sound price: The embrace

School prices: Linguine n°13

Critical Sense Award: Ecroma Teio

Audience award: 13 years

So many films to see and review on the festival site. And now that the prizes have been awarded, how do you win next year? 20 minutes wrote an article on this that we invite you to read again below.

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