The prisoner on the run indicted for two murders

He had taken advantage of an exit permit to escape from Argentan prison on June 20. The prisoner on the run arrested a week ago in Avrillé, near Angers, was indicted for double murder in recidivism and placed under a warrant of committal, said Wednesday the public prosecutor of Angers, Eric Bouillard. “He generally acknowledged the alleged facts” during his police custody, said the prosecutor.

Originally from Reunion, this 42-year-old man with an imposing physique is notably suspected of two murders in recidivism and an attempted murder in recidivism, specified Eric Bouillard. He is suspected of having killed during his run a 40-year-old woman at his home in Angers, as well as a 72-year-old man whose body was discovered in early July in Chailland (Mayenne). The fugitive would have stolen the vehicle of the latter, found burnt the day before north of Angers.

Strangulation attempt

On June 28, still in Chailland, a 26-year-old woman was the victim of an attempted strangulation at her home. It will be saved thanks to the intervention of a third party. That same day, the fugitive had been surprised by gendarmes in a ditch but had managed to escape them.

A copious police force had been put in place to find the fugitive north of Angers. The authorities considered that it presented a “high level of danger”. He was finally spotted in a building under construction on July 4.

Before his escape, the indicted was serving a twelve-year sentence for attempted murder of a spouse, and still had three years. A one-day leave had been granted to him for June 20, in order to carry out administrative procedures at the prefecture of Alençon, to which he had never gone.

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