The Prime Minister denounces a “blackmail” of the European Union, Paris defends the European project

The tension does not fall between Poland and the European Union. Engaged in a legal battle by refusing to recognize the primacy of community law, the eastern country is exposed to sanctions clearly formulated by Ursula van der Leyen, President of the European Commission. The 36 billion in subsidies provided for in the Polish stimulus plan are for the moment frozen by Brussels.

A “blackmail”, denounces the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, come to explain himself in front of the hemicycle in Strasbourg. “This language of threats or coercion” is not “the basis of democracy”, he criticizes. If he once again rejected the idea of ​​a “Polexit”, feared at the start of this showdown, the conservative leader reiterated the idea that the Polish Constitution remains “the supreme law”.

Its position greatly worries the 27. The judicial reform carried out by the Polish government and the questioning of the rule of European law call into question the foundations of the European Union, fears Ursula van der Leyen. “Europe will not survive if the rule of law falls,” warned Jean Asselborn, head of Luxembourg’s diplomacy.

France to “use pressure tools”

Paris, through the voice of Clément Beaune, affirms that “to question the rule of law is to question the European project”. The Secretary of State for European Affairs calls for the dialogue to continue, “but we must also use pressure tools”. He recognizes in these measures “a form of collective failure because that would mean that our Europe does not function spontaneously” but specifies that “it would be worse to accept as spectators the disintegration of the European political project”.

The European Court of Justice has been seized by Poland and Hungary, which contest the mechanism linking respect for the rule of law to the payment of European funds. But it could also be referred to the Commission if Poland persists, with sanctions going as far as the suspension of the country’s voting rights in the Council.

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