The prefecture suspends the health pass in shopping centers

The prefecture of Corse-du-Sud announced this Friday the suspension of the obligation of health pass in shopping centers of more than 20,000 m², like other French departments, without waiting for a court decision, she said. announced in a press release.

As of this Friday, customers are no longer required to show off to shop at the Atrium, the Grand Ajaccio Baléone and the Galerie – La Rocade Mezzavia, all located on the outskirts of Ajaccio.

“During the last three weeks, the health situation has improved overall but shows a strong disparity within the department”, argue the prefectural services. “The indicators of the epidemic and in particular the incidence rate remain very high in the south of the department, while the Ajaccio region shows a more preserved situation”.

Referents fight against covid

The drop in attendance that accompanies the end of the tourist season and “the checks in these establishments which have shown constant respect for barrier gestures and the wearing of masks” also weighed on the decision of the regional prefect.

The latter nevertheless “asked managers to set up” fight against covid “referents within the three large shopping centers” to enforce barrier gestures and the wearing of masks.

The decree entered into force on August 16, 2021 in application of the law of August 5, 2021. Even before the officialization of the decision, the Atrium had communicated on social networks with the message “Libertà” written in large letters , for the attention of its customers.

Decrees imposing the health pass in shopping centers have already been suspended by the courts in several departments of France, including Yvelines and Essonne

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