the popular Primary, “it is the broadest base of legitimacy” on the left, believes Christiane Taubira

The result of the popular Primary “game changer” on the left, estimated Christiane Taubira, after having won it on Sunday January 30. “On the left, it is the broadest base of legitimacy in terms of designation“, underlined the presidential candidate, in reference to the 392 738 people who took part in the vote where, for example, 104 772 people voted in the second round of the environmental primary.

“I am one more candidate for those who consider that a democratic process is worth absolutely nothing, that half a million people who vote is worth nothing at all“, defended Christiane Taubira after the remarks, among others, of Anne Hidalgo or her environmentalist competitor Yannick Jadot, who estimated after the announcement of the result that her candidacy was “one more, exactly the opposite of what the popular Primary wanted”. The former Minister of Justice had herself assured that she would not “wouldn’t be one more candidate” in a video posted on December 17, where she announced “consider being a candidate”.

“It is extremely disrespectful to the people who organized these primaries, the people who chose to participate in them, who committed themselves to them, who voted”, she also launched, when she was invited to react to remarks made on Sunday January 30 by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The candidate of La France insoumise at the Elysée judged that by winning the ballot, “she put on the shoe that was prepared for her”.

“I would have done 99% if that had been the case”, she mocked, denouncing the attitude “haughty” of Jean-Luc Mélenchon vis-à-vis the result of the Popular Primary. “It is deeply disrespectful and it is astonishing” because “this reaction, this height, this distance”, she “resembles more, a little, this form of government, this presidential form that we have seen for five years”, she tackled, sending her competitor from La France insoumise and Emmanuel Macron back to back.

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