the political class salutes the deputy José Evrard, death of the Covid

Shortly after the death of the Pas-de-Calais deputy José Evrard, part of the political world hailed the memory of this parliamentarian who worked for the Communist Party, the National Front, the Patriots and Debout la France.

A few minutes after the announcement of the death of José Evrard, caused by the Covid-19, some of his political friends and colleagues in the National Assembly paid tribute to him on social networks.

The first was Richard Ferrand. The president of the National Assembly declared to have learned “with emotion” of the disappearance of the deputy of Pas-de-Calais. Several other parliamentarians such as Roland Lescure (LaREM), Laëtitia Romeiro Dias (LaREM) or Michel Zumkeller (UDI), also wanted to send their condolences to his family and loved ones.

His former political leaders salute him

But the most supported tributes come from two figures who marked the end of his political career. Florian Philippot, that he had followed among the Patriots when they left the National Front in 2017, greeted a “man of integrity, committed, sincere, a fighter for France”.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, whom José Evrard had finally joined in 2019, also wanted to pay tribute to him.

“Son of a miner who became a deputy for Pas-de-Calais, he embodied this land in the mining basin. A courageous, upright, kind man, faithful to his social convictions”, writes the presidential candidate.

Some on social networks did not fail to point out that José Evrard was opposed to the health pass. Note that his vaccination status was not made public. “I am dismayed to learn of the death by Covid of my colleague José Evrard. Now is not the time for controversy, but what sadness …” wrote Stéphane Vojetta (LaREM) on Twitter.

Anthony Audureau with AFP

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