The police fire after a refusal to comply, without injuring

Around 3 a.m. on the night of Saturday to Sunday, police officers from the Biarritz police station wanted to check a motorist who had just committed traffic violations, relates France Bleu Basque Country. The individual fled in the direction of Bidart, hitting the police car as he passed. He then tried to hide from the eyes of the officials, by parking in the parking lot of a restaurant, turning off his headlights.

As he was spotted and the police advanced towards him, the motorist started off with a bang to rush in their direction. The officers fired their service weapons, without hitting anyone. Themselves were slightly injured.

He was driving drugged in a stolen car

The vehicle was found shortly after, crashed on rocks. It had been stolen the day before in Dax, and the driver was taken into custody. Without a license, the young man in his twenties was under the influence of narcotics at the time of the incident.

In the car were also two young women. An investigation was opened for “attempted homicide on a person holding public authority” and “aggravated refusal to comply”.

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