The party will decide on Monday on the exclusion of MP Emmanuel Pellerin accused of having consumed drugs

Emmanuel Pellerin is in the sights of his party. Renaissance will examine on Monday the exclusion of this deputy, at the center of accusations of drug use revealed by Mediapartthe majority party announced on Wednesday.

“If the facts are proven, they seriously damage the image of Parliament but also of the party of which he is a member,” said Renaissance spokesman Loïc Signor. “They are also contrary in all respects to the values ​​defended by Renaissance” and “we will draw all the consequences during the executive committee which will meet on Monday, and where Stéphane Séjourné will propose his immediate exclusion”.

cannabis and cocaine

In an article published Wednesday, Mediapart assures that Emmanuel Pellerin “consumed cocaine before and after his election to the Assembly last June”. Above all, “confronted with our elements, he recognized this illegal use”.

The deputy for Hauts-de-Seine “first argued that he had used drugs – cannabis and cocaine – from June 2020 but had stopped ‘concomitantly’ when he entered politics at the end of 2021” , adds Mediapart. Emmanuel Pellerin “justified this past consumption by personal and family difficulties by explaining that it was “occasional” drug taking, during dinners and evenings”, adds the article. Mediapart assures that the deputy then admitted to having “taken back to drugs the weekend when we celebrated (his) investiture in July and after that it was over”.

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