The parties of the majority must “unite” in the Assembly, insists Bruno Le Maire

Bruno Le Maire wants to see, behind the executive, troops united with the National Assembly. The Minister of the Economy thus calls on the parties of the majority (Renaissance, Horizon, MoDem) “to unite” and to support the pension reform, in an interview with the Sunday newspaper.

“When you belong to a majority, you support the proposals that were part of the presidential project,” intimates the minister. He also hopes that Republicans will support this reform “all the way”.

Terminal is listening, says the Mayor

Asked about the relevance of reviewing the provisions concerning long careers and women, subjects of numerous disputes, Bruno Le Maire replied that “the Prime Minister has continued to enrich the text. No one can say that Elisabeth Borne did not listen”. Before developing: “The real injustice would be to drop our system. This would weaken women, the most modest, those who have had choppy careers. »

Those “who are asked to work longer” must be “better paid”, still judges the tenant of Bercy who is delighted with this “that in just five months, since the vote of the purchasing power law, 3, 6 million French people have received an average of 700 euros in new Macron bonuses. »

In a column also published in the JDDThe President of the Confederation of SMEs (CPME) François Asselin believes for his part that the “government copy (deserved) to be expanded” concerning “measures favorable to the employment of seniors”.

As the bill reaches the National Assembly, unions are calling for new protests across France on Tuesday, and are already threatening strikes in February against the reform and its flagship measure, the postponement of the retirement age. from 62 to 64 years old.

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