The parallel slalom postponed because of the wind… Big scare on the halfpipe…

Yo Olympix, yo insomnix! We’re not good here, not sleeping together? To enjoy life, sober or drunk. And above all, to take advantage of these Olympic Games which are about to end. Because yes, we are already starting the penultimate day of these 2022 Olympics in Beijing. A moved thought for our special correspondent Aymeric, who must spend his nights dreaming of his return to France. Courage, poto, it’s coming soon. In the meantime, we still hope to bring home a few medals (“what’s his name? Maillet, Quentin-Fillon, Maillet”, come on, it’s a gift for you Vegedream). This Saturday, we’re betting everything on the French parallel slalom team in alpine skiing. It will happen from 3am. And it will simply be the last chance for an Olympic medal for Tessa Worley and Alexis Pinturault this year.

>> Beginning of the live soon enough

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