The pan bagnat among the best sandwiches in the world, and CNN says so

“Browsing the sandwiches of the world is traveling the world”, writes on its site CNN. To help its readers “plan their next trip”, the American media then compiled a list of the “23 best sandwiches” from around the world. And between the chivito, which is eaten in Uruguay, and the smørrebrød from Denmark, slips the specialty of Nice: the pan bagnat.

” Enjoy your meal “

“Cut in half (but not completely), the bread opens to reveal layers of raw vegetables, anchovies, olives, sliced ​​hard-boiled eggs, chunks of tuna and generously applied olive oil , salt and pepper. Bon appetit, indeed, ”presents the site. Everything is good, except the cutting which is done in fact entirely. Also present in this selection, another French snack, the croque-monsieur and its Madame version.

At the end of March, the Federation of bakers and pastry chefs of the Alpes-Maritimes had also broken the world record for the largest pan bagnat by making a sandwich of 1.04 m and more than 50 kg.

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