The organization of the competition makes Caen cringe

A story of money disrupts the organization of Miss France 2022. The competition, which is to be held on December 11 in Caen, causes some turmoil in the city council. At the origin of the discord, the main opposition group (EELV, DVG and PCF) is indignant that Mayor LR does not communicate his cost for the city, we learned on Friday.

The group “demands that the mayor of Caen fulfill his basic duty of information regarding the allocation of public funds by immediately disseminating the means that will be devoted by the city and its public partners to this event”, write the elected officials according to a press release. received Friday.

Asked by AFP, the city’s communication service said it had “no figure to communicate for the moment”. “The cost for the city or the remainder to be borne will be known in January 2022”, according to the same source.

In 2010, an estimated cost of 200,000 euros

According to EELV municipal councilor Rudy L’Orphelin interviewed by AFP, in 2010, the Miss France competition, then also organized in Caen, had “cost 200,000 euros” to the city then led by a PS allied to EELV. According to the city councilor, the opposition’s questions on the subject, in city council in September, and in the finance committee on Tuesday, remained unanswered.

“In view of the benefits reaped by the organizing company, there is nevertheless reason to wonder about the relevance of public financial support for events which convey stereotypical beauty standards and are based on selection criteria at the very least. debatable, ”continue elected officials.

Miss France, an “archaic caricature”?

“From this point of view, we can only welcome the legal actions initiated by Dare Feminism which make it possible to move the lines regarding the working conditions of the participants, ”they add. The industrial tribunal of Bobigny must look on June 21 on the conditions of participation of the candidates in the Miss France competition, according to Dare feminism who took legal action for violation of labor law.

In October, the Minister for Gender Equality Élisabeth Moreno herself judged “ has been “The rules governing the beauty pageant and wished that” they change. In its “annual report on the state of sexism in France”, in 2019, the High Council for Equality between Women and Men (HCE), an advisory body responsible for advising the government, had qualified the contest Miss France of “archaic caricature”. He had denounced in particular the requirement made to the candidates to be single and childless and never to have been married.

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