The opposition leaves the National Assembly to protest against the retention of Eric Woerth

The anger of the political oppositions of the National Assembly does not fall. Faced with the refusal of Eric Woerth to leave his post as chairman of the Finance Committee, many opposition politicians noisily left parliament on Wednesday.

The former Sarkozy minister announced a week ago that he would support Emmanuel Macron rather than Valérie Pécresse for the presidential election, and immediately left the LR group to become related to the LREM group. However, the presidency of the Finance Committee falls by right to an opposition deputy.

“Democratic Balance”

Through the voice of Véronique Louwagie, the LR deputies “solemnly” asked Eric Woerth on Wednesday morning to “resign”, in the name of “the rights of the opposition” and a “spirit of democratic balance”.

The leader of the Socialist deputies Valérie Rabault did the same, claiming “exemplarity” and stressing that the commission “can be convened at any time” in the remaining four months of the legislature. “Assume your choice”, added Michel Zumkeller (UDI), followed by Charles de Courson (Freedoms and territories) who pleaded for a “clarification”.

Boos in the hemicycle

Eric Coquerel (LFI) indicated that he would apply if necessary. But the majority united behind his new recruit. The rules of the Assembly stipulate that the chairman of the committee must belong to the opposition at the time of his election but not necessarily beyond, argued the budget rapporteur Laurent Saint-Martin (LREM).

And the Finance Committee “deserves better than the import of a political and symbolic debate”. Impavid, Eric Woerth said: “I will not resign, that’s how it is”. “I do not support Emmanuel Macron’s first term, I said I was going to support Emmanuel Macron’s second term,” he added, immediately booing.

The majority deaf to anger

The opposition deputies then left the room, leaving the meeting to continue in the presence of the majority around various hearings. They had not lost their temper at the beginning of the afternoon since the presentation of the annual report of the Court of Auditors in the hemicycle again allowed them to express their dissatisfaction with for about twenty minutes, speeches and suspensions of session.

The Chairman of the Finance Committee like the rest of the majority remaining unmoved, the session resumed its normal course.

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