“The opposition celebrated its victory with champagne” … Back to the “political coup” around the vaccination pass to the Assembly

“We suspend. »Dramatic drama at the National Assembly on the night of Monday to Tuesday. The examination of the bill transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass was the subject of a surprise interruption, to the chagrin of the majority. While the government had indicated that it wanted to move quickly on the adoption of these new measures to fight against the Omicron variant, this setback sounds like a “snub”. Can the bill be passed in time? Back to this controversy.

  • What happened during the night?

The examination of the text transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass had to be a formality for LREM. But around midnight, after several hours of debate, a majority of deputies refused by a show of hands to continue the discussions. The suspension announcement by Annie Genevard, LR president of the Evening National Assembly, was then acclaimed by the opposition. “Big snub for the majority En Marche and the government: we put them in the minority this evening in the hemicycle on the vaccination pass. Amateurs one day, always amateurs ”, thus rejoiced the president of the group Les Républicains, Damien Abad.

“The majority was insufficiently present at the meeting, on a text that was nevertheless important. A parliamentary session cannot be improvised and requires seriousness, ”added the patroness of the Socialists in the Assembly,
Valerie Rabault. Several members of the opposition denounced that the deliberation time was too short to be able to debate all the articles of the bill and the hundreds of amendments tabled. “The timing itself escapes the government. It is one more sign of its inability to control events, ”also lambasted the rebellious presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

  • How did the majority react?

Within the government, we denounce a “political coup” of the oppositions, like Jean Castex, this Tuesday during questions to the government in the Assembly. “Some people try to use political blows to slow down the debate, I tell you, this is not responsible! We are in a race against time! The virus gallops and you pull the handbrake. What do our fellow citizens think of these jokes? », Asked the Prime Minister, targeting in particular the group The Republicans.

“Yesterday evening, the opposition celebrated their victory with champagne at the refreshment bar as after a football match. But it is above all a day of lost for the thousands of people in intensive care and those who lose their lives because of the virus, annoys the deputy LREM Bruno Bonnell. It is a chimerical alliance, against nature between LFI, the RN and LR, who defended their partisan interests before national unity against disease, it is delirium. “

  • What will happen now?

Will this quack force the government to change the timetable for the final adoption of the text by Parliament, initially scheduled for the end of the week? The setback should not have too serious consequences for the executive. Debates resume on Tuesday evening – and perhaps this time until the end of the night – to study the approximately 500 remaining amendments. The examination of the text could also continue on Wednesday afternoon if necessary, the PS group having agreed to postpone its planned debate on prevention in public health.

In the majority, we hope to stay in the nails. “With the Covid-19, we are constantly in an emergency. Every day lost in the Assembly is also lost against the virus, assures Bruno Bonnell. But the text should arrive Thursday at the latest in the Senate, and we will be mobilized if necessary this weekend. So the goal of January 15 remains tenable. “

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