The only major city without a municipal police, Brest has created an urban tranquility brigade

Brest is not a city like the others. In the far west of the Breton peninsula, everyone in Brest knows it. The sub-prefecture of Finistère is the only major French city that does not have a municipal police. To “correct this anomaly”, the socialist municipality of Brest has just launched an urban tranquility brigade (BTU) whose powers are more limited.

So far, six brigadiers have been recruited and trained. These five men and this woman who will have the status of public highway surveillance officer (ASVP) will soon have reinforcements. In 2025, the brigade should be staffed with 25 officers. Their missions? “The deterrence of incivility through an active presence in public spaces, a reassuring presence to fight against the feeling of insecurity and by creating a stronger link with residents and traders”, described Marine Dhaene, manager of the parking and urban tranquility of the city of Brest.

Soon CCTV cameras

BTU agents will also be able to report annoying parking, neighborhood noise or advertising violations. “Their mission is to be in prevention, it is not to go into physical contact with people,” said their manager. Since the creation of a municipal police in Paris in 2021, Brest was the last major city not to have one. “The state has its missions and the city has its own,” repeated PS mayor François Cuillandre, refusing to describe the BTU as “light municipal police”.

The prefect of Finistère, Philippe Mahé, estimated that the creation of this brigade would make it possible to “free up time” for the national police officers “on more sensitive missions”. The first CCTV cameras will be installed in the city center of Brest from December.

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