The office of deputy En Marche Sacha Houlié burned down

The office of LREM deputy from Vienne, Sacha Houlié, was set on fire in Poitiers during the night from Thursday to Friday, the parliamentarian announced on Twitter.

“My permanence, this precious place where I welcome our fellow citizens in Poitiers, was deliberately set on fire this night, the deputy reacted this Friday morning. As serious as this inadmissible act is, it does not in any way affect my determination to act every day in the general interest in the service of the French. “

“No track ruled out”

The prosecution told AFP that an investigation was underway and “no leads ruled out”. According to the daily The New Republic, the fire would have started from a garbage can, which would have been deliberately ignited. The deputy confided to having received about forty death threats since the passage of the law on the health pass.

Several political leaders of all stripes, such as Stanislas Guerini for LREM or Guillaume Larrivé (LR) assured the deputy of their support. For Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI), “setting fire to a parliamentary office is a double crime of arson and anti-parliamentarism. Democracy is the right to peaceful contradiction. Solidarity, ”he tweeted.

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