The occupants of the car that killed 6 people were returning from a nightclub

In the aftermath of the tragedy which claimed the lives of 6 people in Strépy-Bracquegnies, a district of the municipality of La Louvière, in the south of Belgium, the police investigations make it possible to further rule out the hypothesis of an act terrorist. 20 minutes takes stock of what we know.

Early Sunday morning, a group of 150 to 200 people roamed the streets of Strépy-Bracquegnies to pick up the Gilles, these local carnival characters. The party was to take place during the day.

A provisional balance sheet which remains at 6 dead

Around 5 a.m., a black BMW 5 series tumbled “at high speed” behind a group of several dozen people. The vehicle crashed into the crowd without slowing down before fleeing. The results are terrible, since this Monday morning we deplore six dead, 10 seriously injured, one of whom is in a coma, and 26 others “at various stages” declared the public prosecutor on Sunday noon.

Quickly, the police were able to catch up with the crazy car. Two men were arrested, ages 34 and 32. In a press conference held at the end of the morning on Sunday, the King’s prosecutor indicated that the terrorist track was not privileged, in particular because the two individuals were not known to the police services for such facts or for any radicalization. However, at this stage, the defendants had not yet been heard. Nevertheless, an investigating judge was seized to open an investigation on the count of “murder”.

The occupants of the car “returned from a dance hall”

At the end of the afternoon, the new information provided by the prosecution further distanced the terrorist track. Indeed, the King’s prosecutor indicated that the two occupants of the car, from La Louvière, “returned from a dance hall” and that they had just dropped off a friend 1 km before the scene of the tragedy. Blood tests were carried out on the driver of the BMW to determine if he had consumed alcohol or narcotics. The results are expected on Monday during the day.

The hypothesis of a driver under the influence of an alcoholic state could explain why this one was not heard quickly by the police. Moreover, if the analyzes prove positive, the murder investigation could be reclassified as “manslaughter”. But there are still many points to be clarified, including why the driver of the BMW did not stop at the sight of this group of people.

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