The Occitan Products Party goes into campaign

“Vote PPO! “. No, Carole Delga has not decided to quit the Socialist Party, she just chose, out of “regional patriotism”, to also campaign for the Occitanie Products Party. The idea is to convince the inhabitants that – from foie gras to cheese, including wine – it is possible to wake up only with local products. “I would remind you that we are the first region in Europe for the number of labeled products”, underlines the president of the region.

Using the slogan “our shopping is our job”, the campaign, launched in particular by dumping stickers at merchants, is not limited to the pleasures of the table. Designer furniture by Sorèze and Revel, durable cooler bag made from Lot sheep wool, personalized perfumes developed in Montpellier, the community also wants to raise awareness about Christmas gifts “Made in Occitanie”.

A “Made in Occitanie” label next Christmas

And in the field of manufactured products, the choice will be greatly facilitated for Christmas 2022. The region announces the creation “for the start of September” of a signature “Made in Occitanie”. A committee of professionals from the chambers of trades and industry will select the manufacturers who will be entitled to the label by demonstrating their local know-how.

This “brand” is based on the success of the Sud de France food signature. In fifteen years, 1,640 companies have joined. It represents a turnover of 30 million euros.

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