The Nuremberg Art Association about its Nazi past – Bavaria

Normality in the midst of cruelty never ceases to amaze Wolfgang Brauneis. The large exhibition marking the 150th anniversary of the Nuremberg Art Association took place in the summer and autumn of 1942, exactly between the second and third deportation of Nuremberg Jews. “It can’t be that the people of Nuremberg didn’t know about it,” says the director of the association, examining the photos from the vernissage. Not only National Socialists in uniform crowd the overcrowded hall, but also many elegantly dressed educated citizens. For a year, the art historian researched the history of the oldest German art association during the National Socialist era and the first few years thereafter. He is currently presenting his results, based on documents, photographs and objects and arranged chronologically in the rooms of the Kunstverein, and he also has them excellently documented on the internet.

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