The number of proxies has already increased sixfold compared to 2022

Is this a sign of real enthusiasm for the election or just a sign of an unusual electoral calendar? A total of 409,226 proxies have, in any case, been made since June 10 in order to vote during the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. Or six and a half times more than during the 2022 legislative elections over the same period, the Interior Ministry said on Monday.

Between Monday June 10 and Sunday June 16, i.e. between D-20 and D-14 before the first round, “we we count 409,226 proxies », Explains the Interior. And “91% of proxies were established via a partially or completely dematerialized route,” specifies Beauvau. Compared to the legislative elections of 2022, Beauvau ensures “accounting for 6.5 times more proxies” over the same period.

The first weekend of the school holidays

But, unlike these elections caused by the unexpected dissolution of the National Assembly, the dates of the 2022 election were known well in advance and requests for proxies could have been spread out over time.

Furthermore, the legislative elections took place on June 12 and 19, while the second round will take place this year on the first weekend of the school holidays.

In total, 1,020,000 proxies were given during the first round of legislative elections in 2022.

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