The number of patients in critical care still above the 2,000 mark

The latest figures continue to show the virulence of the coronavirus in France. The number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized in critical care services is still above 2,000 patients, according to data released by health authorities. With 103 people placed in intensive care in the last 24 hours (165 Saturday), critical care services are welcoming 2,128 patients on Sunday (2,106 Saturday). This indicator fell below the 1,000 patient mark on July 7.

The number of hospitalizations is also still important with 10,651 patients (10,463 Saturday), including 542 in 24 hours and 120 for Martinique alone. In the past 24 hours, 17,300 people (22,636 recorded the day before) have tested positive for Covid-19. The test positivity rate is 3.2%, as on Saturday. Finally, with 44 deaths in 24 hours, the number of deaths now stands at 113,372 since the start of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Questions around the start of the school year

For nearly a month, the curve of hospitalizations linked to Covid-19 has continued to rise and has raised questions around the start of the school year. A vaccination campaign through middle and high schools will begin at the start of the school year for students over 12 who wish, the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer announced on Sunday in an interview with JDD.

For Overseas France, the situation is also worrying. Schools, colleges and high schools will close “from Monday” in French Polynesia as part of a tightening of containment planned for two weeks. Martinique, under strict confinement, is experiencing a “relative stabilization” of the epidemic but at a “very high” level and the director of the Regional Health Agency of the island Jérôme Viguier said on Saturday: “We will still need reinforcements ”.

For vaccination in France, since the start of the campaign, 47,484,044 people have received at least one injection (i.e. 70.4% of the total population) and 41,281,899 people now have a complete vaccination schedule (i.e. 61.2 % of total population).

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