The number of Mint NFTs on Solana has reached an all-time high.

The Block Research data dashboard shows how many NFTs are built on Solana, or how many new NFTs are built on the blockchain. It rose to 312,000 on September 7, and that figure represents a significant increase compared to 39,000 on September 4.

at the same time The amount of NFT volume on Solana has also increased. Total volume on all exchanges hit $11.5 million on September 6, the highest level since May, with Magic Eden, Solana NFT, its market share increasing from 12% at the beginning of September to 36.6. % on September 7

In the past, Solana-based NFTs were just a small part of the overall ecosystem for NFT collectibles and digital art. The largest projects such as Bored Apes Yacht Club and Pudgy Penguins were built on Ethereum for the first time.

“I remember last year that ‘someone’ laughed at Solana NFT,” Solana Foundation head of ecosystem development Chase Barker said on Twitter.

“It’s true that a lot of people don’t take Solana NFT seriously,” Metaplex co-founder Stephen Hess told The Block in a phone interview.

“In the past few weeks We have seen improvements in reliability,” Hess said.

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