The number of hospitalizations still on the rise in France, a worrying situation in the West Indies

The number of patients with Covid-19 hospitalized is still increasing, according to figures published this Thursday by the health authorities, while the situation is worrying in the West Indies and that the third vaccine dose for some is looming. Hospitals count this Thursday 9,465 people sick with Covid-19 (9,233 identified on Wednesday) including 894 new admissions (773 pointed out on Wednesday).

1,807 patients in critical care

Critical care services, which treat the most seriously affected patients, total 1,807 patients (1,745 the day before and 1,420 a week earlier, this indicator was below the threshold of 1,000 on July 7). There were 191 admissions in one day to these services (158 readings on Wednesday). In the last 24 hours, 77 deaths have been recorded in hospitals, against 54 the day before.

Faced with this worrying picture, the vaccine “booster campaign” for a 3rd dose is becoming clearer. “About 5 million people are targeted at this stage”, either elderly or “very high risk”, detailed the Ministry of Health.

A “dramatic” health crisis in the West Indies

Since the start of the vaccination campaign in France, 45,857,880 people have received at least one injection (i.e. 68% of the total population) and 38,474,940 people now have a complete vaccination schedule (i.e. 57.1% of the population). total).

If the resumption of the epidemic concerns all of France, the executive is alarmed for the West Indies, citing a “dramatic” health crisis. Strict confinement, reinforcements of caregivers, and soon “reinforcements of reinforcements”, according to the authorities, are on the menu in Martinique and Guadeloupe. In addition, the partial confinement of Reunion Island, in force since July 31, has been extended until August 31.

New turn of the screw from the executive

In metropolitan France, the situation, far from being as critical, is however closely monitored, with the launch of the White Plans, to strengthen the staff of hospitals, on the Mediterranean rim, in Corsica and on the Atlantic coast.

The executive has given another turn of the screw, announcing an extension of the health pass to shopping centers of more than 20,000 square meters in the departments where the incidence rate exceeds 200 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The measure should affect more than a third of the 350 centers of this size, according to AFP calculations.

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