The number of hospitalizations has fallen below the 11,000 mark

A big step forward, although this endless fight against Covid-19 is not yet over. On Thursday, the number of hospitalizations linked to Covid dropped back below the 11,000 mark. This had not happened since August 22. According to figures published by Public Health France, a slight decrease in the number of patients in critical care has even been observed. French hospitals have counted 10,934 Covid patients, including 648 admitted in the past 24 hours.

Several departments are still strongly affected by the coronavirus

Hospital pressure remains strong in three departments: Bouches-du-Rhône, Martinique and Guadeloupe. The situation is also critical in French Polynesia. The authorities have decided to extend the confinement in force since August 23. Some “500 new caregivers have arrived in French Polynesia and the West Indies to support the medical teams on site in the face of the epidemic wave”, the ministries of Health and Overseas indicated on Thursday.

The battle is far from over

Critical care services, which welcome patients with the most serious forms, treat 2,275 patients, 143 of whom were admitted between Wednesday and Thursday. They were 2,294 the day before and 2,261 last Thursday. The number of cases detected in 24 hours rose to 15,911 and the positivity rate, which measures the proportion of positive cases in relation to the number of people tested, fell to 2.6%. It has been declining continuously for three weeks. The daily number of deaths remains high. 104 people have been swept away by the Covid in 24 hours, bringing the total death toll to 114,680 since the start of the epidemic.

Since the start of the vaccination campaign in France, 48,877,298 people have received at least one injection (i.e. 72.5% of the total population) and 44,838,424 people now have a complete vaccination schedule (i.e. 66.5% of the total population).

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