The number of civil servants with disabilities fell slightly in 2021

In 2021, across all sectors of the public service, there were 255,859 employees with disabilities benefiting from the employment obligation (5.44% of the total workforce), compared to 261,318 the previous year (5 .58%). If the employment rate of these agents remained almost stable in the territorial side, it plunged in the State civil service, going from 4.67% to 4.4%, indicated Thursday the Fund for the insertion people with disabilities (FIPHFP) in the public service.

Within the National Education, “there have been nearly 1,900 retirements of people in obligation of employment”, underlined Thursday during a press conference Marc Desjardins, the director of the FIPHFP. A “technical factor” also played a role in this drop in the proportion of state employees with disabilities, he added.

The method for counting staff with disabilities has changed

Over one year, the Ministry of the Interior has thus lost nearly 5,000 beneficiaries of the employment obligation (BOE), a regression in particular due to a reform of the method of accounting for agents with disabilities. In the hospital public service, the number of BOEs increased in 2021, but less rapidly than the total workforce on the side. As a result, the proportion of staff with disabilities fell from 5.54% in 2020 to 5.48% one year later.

All sides combined, women represent two-thirds of employees with disabilities (66%). “It has changed a lot over time, in 2008 we were more or less 50/50” between men and women, noted Marc Desjardins. “Today, around a third of BOEs are 56 and over. We will probably witness massive retirements in the coming years and this phenomenon will potentially result in a decline in the employment rate, ”he further warned.

The law sets an obligation for public employers who employ at least 20 employees to employ 6% of disabled people. Those who fail to reach this threshold must pay a contribution to the Integration Fund.

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