The nobleman, the dentist and the toothless corpse

He is noble, she would like to be. She’s rich, and he wants to be that. Are there better conditions for a harmonious marriage?

Garrotte as a murder tool: A medium-strength metal wire, which is provided with 10-15 cm long (wooden) handles at both ends, is also referred to as a garrotte. This classic garrotte was mainly used by criminals in France in the 19th and early 20th centuries (e.g. in Paris-Montmartre or in the port district of Marseille). The long-established mafia organizations (especially the Cosa Nostra in Sicily) often used the garrotte as an instrument of murder. With the garrotte, the killer can usually strangle her victim from behind without making a loud noise. (Out of Wikipedia)


The body lay on its back on a blueberry bush, 7.55 meters away from the Schwarzenbergischer Schwemmkanal hiking trail.

It was Sunday November 25th, 2018, cloudy and cold. Frost and leaves covered the forest floor near the border with Germany. In the afternoon, a walker called the Czech mountain rescue service. She must have left something here, perhaps during an exercise, he said, a rescue dummy.

What rescue doll? There was no exercise, the mountain rescue operations manager replied. The police were summoned.

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