the night session interrupted after the discomfort of a civil servant

The night session of the National Assembly, which was studying a bill from the PCF, was interrupted on Thursday after the discomfort of a civil servant.

The night session at the National Assembly was interrupted this Thursday evening after a serious discomfort of an official of the institution, resulting in the cessation of the day dedicated to PCF texts.

The emergency services intervened around 11 p.m. in the very hemicycle of the Palais Bourbon where this person was, noted AFP. The meeting, which was to end at midnight, therefore did not resume.

A text on state grants to local authorities

The debates focused on a bill to index the overall allocation for the operation of local authorities to inflation. The government, through the voice of Bruno Le Maire and Gabriel Attal, intervened for more than an hour, after the presentation of the text by its author, Jean-Marc Tellier.

A suspension of the session followed, while the left denounced a “ministerial verbal diarrhea” to prevent the vote on the text. The session did not resume, due to the official’s discomfort.

Jeanne Bulant with AFP BFMTV journalist

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