The new report is expected Metaverse Market Share Will Exceed $50 Billion by 2026

A new report by Technavio, a technology research and advisory firm, hasrevealThe upward trend of Metaverse within the next 4 years.

The report, titled “Metaverse Market in Finance by Component and Geography — 2022-2026 Market Forecasts and Analysis,” analyzes the metaverse from two perspectives: software and hardware. and through the impact on the regions of different countries

According to the study, Metaverse will reach $50 billion market share by 2026. Metaverse’s growth is analyzed over five timeframes 2021-2026. Market growth momentum is also forecast. that Annual growth rate (CAGR) will grow almost 21%, which is expected to grow this year alone, it is expected to grow 20.11%.

In terms of regional growth indicated that 32 percent will come from the North American region. with Canada and the United States leading and consumers from other major countries including China and Germany.

This year, Germany and the US took the top spot in the global crypto rankings. due to more advanced regulations and institutional acceptance rates.

However, interest in the Metaverse can undoubtedly be seen all over the world. By the beginning of this month United Arab EmiratesLaunched Dubai Metaverse Strategy To become one of the top 10 in the Metaverse economy.

The report also highlights leading metaverse implementations, with the survey found that the top seven metaverse wallets are Meta Mask, Enjin Wallet, Coinbase, Math Wallet, Alpha Wallet, Coinomi, and Trust Wallet.

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