The New Popular Front launches into ASMR and whispers its program in the ears of voters

“Sound content that aims to trigger a state of relaxation”: this is how ASMR is defined, or “Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response”, an acronym for “autonomous response of the sensory meridians”, a method used in thousands of videos on the internet.

Including that, since Tuesday evening, of the New Popular Front, provided by some of its figures, who for a little more than two minutes alternate whispered program elements and noises of rubbing and tapping supposed to soothe.

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“Equal pay between women and men”, whispers for example the boss of the PS Olivier Faure, “repeal of the pension reform at 64”, chant in a light breath Marine Tondelier (Ecologists) and Manon Aubry (LFI) , “open new places at university”, murmurs the communist Ian Brossat after opening a bag of biscuits – with no obvious connection between the two.

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