The new municipal police cannot issue a ticket before November

This is called a false start. Presented Monday by Anne Hidalgo on the forecourt of the Town Hall, the new municipal police of Paris enters into service this Tuesday. Intended to fight against incivility and traffic offenses in all the districts of the capital, it is however experiencing a slight delay in ignition. She will not be able to verbalize before next November. If it will be possible to see these new officers patrolling the streets, they will have to be content with prevention.

Frying between the Paris town hall and the police headquarters

This postponement is due, according to our colleagues from Parisian, has a swearing-in problem. According to the Town Hall, the police headquarters would have taken a little too long to issue the necessary approvals to the 154 municipal police officers, which a police source denies. Nicolas Nordman, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge in particular of the municipal police, puts forward the Covid-19 crisis to explain a slowing down of the accreditation process.

Whatever the reason, the swearing-in ceremony is scheduled for the beginning of November. They will then be able to fully appreciate their function.

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