The National Rally still in the lead far ahead of the Renaissance party

While the European elections will take place from Thursday June 6 to Sunday June 9, 2024 throughout Europe, the French are invited to nominate their representatives to the European Parliament on Sunday June 9. Two months before the elections, debates and meetings organized by the different political parties are multiplying in order to present their programs and objectives for this mandate. But what about the French and their voting intentions?

While the vote will take place in less than two months, we have aggregated for you the results of the polls carried out in recent weeks by different institutes: Ifop-Fiducial, Opinion Way, Elabe and Harris-Interactive. The graph in this article allows you to visualize a summary of voting intentions in the European elections by institute and by opposition scenario.

Voting intentions in the 2024 European elections

According to the latest survey carried out by Ifop-Fiducial, only 44.5% of voters plan to vote in the European election. A record abstention of 55.5% (+7.7 points compared to the 2019 European election).

The National Rally at the head of the race

Less than two months before the European elections (June 9), the institute Ifop-Fiducial released a survey this Friday. The results place the National Rally (RN) list, led by Jordan Bardella, in the lead with a comfortable lead, collecting 31% of voting intentions. This performance demonstrates relative stability over one month, with a slight increase of 1 point for the RN list. This trend is also noted in all the selected voting institutes, with an average of 30% voting intention.

By default, we present to you the latest surveys published by Fiducial. By clicking on the drop-down menu of the graph, you can view the results according to other institutes.

Renaissance in decline

The presidential majority, with the Renaissance list led by Valérie Hayer, is stagnating with polls at 19% smoothed over the last few months (source Opinion Way). The various polls published by the institutes seem to work against the Macronist list, which is struggling to catch up and reduce the gap on its main opponent (+11 points).

The Socialist Party (PS) on the podium

The list led by Raphaël Glucksmann narrows the gap in the polls with a voting intention given at 12% according to the institute Ifop-Fiducial. Announced at 9% last August, this growth of 3 points shows an advantage to a left-wing list among the four in the race (Lutte Ouvrière (LO), La France Insoumise (LFI), Communist Party, Socialist Party (PS)). This trend remains to be confirmed in the coming weeks.

The battle for seats in the European Parliament

The Republicans are struggling to gain points in the polls and are stabilizing at 8% this month (source Opinion way). Polls put them at 9% last December. The Ecologists (ex EELV) are following the trend, with a voting intention of 8% over the last few months, which fell to 7% this month. In the same pocket square, we have La France insoumise carried by Manon Aubry, who flirts with 7% of voting intentions and is stabilizing. The Reconquest list led by Marion Maréchal-Le Pen is stable at 6% (source Opinion way).

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