The National Education budget validated at first reading by the National Assembly

Almost 1.7 billion euros more for National Education. The National Assembly gave the green light on Monday in first reading to the school education budget for 2022, increasing in particular to give a boost to salaries.

National Education, the first item in the state budget with 56.5 billion euros, benefits from an extension of 1.7 billion euros.

6.4 billion more since the start of the five-year term

Since the start of the five-year term, the increase is 13%, an increase of 6.4 billion, underlined the Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer, arguing that this position has “never known such an increase »During the previous five-year terms.

The increase planned for 2022 includes an envelope of 700 million euros dedicated to the revaluation of remuneration, in particular for the beginnings and middle of careers. The rapporteur Catherine Osson (LREM) underlined the need to “make the teaching profession more attractive” and to come closer to European standards in terms of remuneration.

The “lowest paid teachers in Europe”?

The former socialist Olivier Falorni (Libertés et Territoires group) denounced the fact that French teachers remain despite everything “among the least well paid in Europe”. Pascal Brindeau (UDI), welcomed an increase “more than welcome”, while recalling “that in comparison with other OECD countries we start from very far on wages”.

Communist Elsa Faucillon for her part deplored the “8,000 jobs lost” in education since the arrival of Mr. Blanquer to this ministry in the wake of the election of Emmanuel Macron in 2017. The minister for his part has considered to have “generally stabilized jobs” in this sector. MP LR Frédéric Reiss regretted that “the school can no longer guarantee the same level of education to all our children”.

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