The Nancy prosecutor’s office divests in favor of the Paris anti-terrorism unit

The kidnapping of little Mia in the Vosges in April 2021 was only one of the facets of a “violent action plan” carried out by an ultra-right group called “DW Reversal”: the Nancy prosecutor’s office thus Thursday asked the Nancy magistrates to divest themselves of the case for the benefit of the anti-terrorist pole of the Paris court.

A bigger plan

“It has indeed appeared (…) that these actions were an integral part of the violent action plan of the ultra-right small group called “DW Reversal” targeting the State and its representations”, specified the public prosecutor, François Pérain, in a press release.

“In consultation with the national anti-terrorist prosecutor’s office”, the specialized interregional jurisdiction (Jirs) of Nancy therefore asked the judges of the anti-terrorist pole of the Paris judicial court to resume this case which had had a strong impact.

A case of 2021

The investigating judges will render their decision “within a period of between eight days and a month”, specified the Nancy public prosecutor’s office, a decision then “likely to be challenged before the criminal chamber of the Court of Cassation within a period of five days “.

Little Mia, 8 years old at the time, was living with her grandmother in the Vosges when she was abducted on April 13, 2021 by several men at the request of her mother, who no longer had custody of her and no longer had the right to see her alone.

A conspirator at the heart of the case

The mother and the little girl were found safe and sound five days later in a squat in Switzerland. His mother, Lola Montemaggi, 28, had been arrested and indicted for “abduction of a 15-year-old minor in an organized gang” and “subtraction of a minor by ascendant outside the territory of the Republic”.

Suspected of having organized the kidnapping of the girl from a distance, Rémy Daillet, a figure in conspiratorial circles, had been charged and imprisoned in mid-June, in particular for complicity in the kidnapping of a 15-year-old minor in an organized gang and association of criminal with a view to committing the crime of kidnapping a fifteen-year-old minor in an organized gang.

He was arrested at the end of May 2021 on the Malaysian tourist island of Langkawi where he lived with his partner and their three children: Malaysia had expelled them to France because their visas had expired. In total, eleven people have been indicted in this case.

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