The Mystery Powder That Caused A Brief Evacuation Of The White House Was Cocaine

The White House has never been so aptly named. The mysterious powder found in a storage room of the “West wing” on Sunday, which caused a brief evacuation of the building, was indeed cocaine, according to sources from several American media including Politico. An investigation has been opened by the Secret Service to try to determine who brought this prohibited substance.

The powder was discovered around 6 p.m. Sunday evening, when Joe Biden – and his son Hunter, who suffers from addiction – were at Camp David for the weekend. According to US media, a plastic bag was found in a room used to store phones for visitors to the White House. Given the traffic, unmasking the culprit looks complicated.

This is not the first time an illicit substance has been smuggled into the White House. Rapper Snoop Dogg bragged about smoking cannabis in a building restroom in 2014.

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